What is NFNT?
NFNT Outdoors exists to remind us of God’s infinite glory revealed in creation, and how we can have a personal relationship with him because of the infinite love proved through Christ on the cross.
Our name deconstructed:
- Infinite: God’s glory and his presence are exceedingly above & infinitely greater than all creation, including us. This comes from Psalm 8:1 - “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name is all the earth! You have set your glory ABOVE the heavens.”
- Outdoors: Thankfully, God has not left us ignorant about who he is. Instead, he has revealed himself to us through the majesty of the outdoors around us that he created, and through his words in scripture preserved throughout time. This comes from Psalm 19:1 - “The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”
Yet despite the fact that we are finite and God is infinite, we have the opportunity through his son Jesus to know and understand God for ourselves. Because of the infinite love displayed on the cross, our sins are forgiven and we are made right before God again.
Allow this clothing to be a conversation starter with those around you, so that they may know of the infinite love available to them in Christ.
You understand our mission, now it’s YOUR TURN! Go be a witness of this “NFNT” love to those around you!